Rockstar proved to be masters of the trade when it comes to crafting a compelling, seemingly lived-in world that players love to explore to the tiniest pixel. However, their story-telling prowess often gets overlooked due to how strong the open-world “distractions are. And GTA 5 could be the best example of a satirical take on the American Dream of today, addressing various real-life issues in the most addictive way possible.
So, whenever you feel like taking a break from growing your GTA account, the smart thing to do is not to waste time switching to another game – simply head down to the GTA 5’s single portion instead. The story of Michael, Franklin and Trevor has numerous strokes of genius that remain potent even in 2024.
Here are the best story missions in GTA 5!
The Jewel Score
Participating in heists is one the bread-and-butter of GTA Online, but the concept gets first fleshed out in this main story mission. It’s also perfectly set up! Both Michael and Franklin spend weeks obsessing over every single detail, and the player has to complete a chain of smaller missions just to collect the necessary equipment to pull it off. Needless to say, the build-up rises to palpable levels at some points.
Then, players have full agency over how they want things to play out: you can go the suave, James Bond-ish way, or opt for a more confrontational approach, guns blazing and all. The mission is a blast either way, as even if you’ve successfully deployed the sleeping gas, your escape attempt is bound to get messy.
The Wrap-Up
GTA 5’s political overtones are evident in several key aspects of the game, and the “Wrap-Up” mission shows how certain “invisible hand” interventions can spiral out of control into a lose-lose scenario. Caught in the crossfire between a few government-backed organizations, Michael and Trevor have to beat the odds and truly rely on each other to live and tell the tale.
This mission is full of memorable action pieces, allowing the player to tackle smart foes both from mid-range and through a sniper scope. We also get to swap between Michael and Trevor, slowly digging each character out of dire straits as their mutual respect grows.
Being the wild card that he is, Trevor Phillips is the most optimal character to be featured in a train-hijacking mission, and he does so with great gusto. As Franklin and Michael have to play it low at that point in the story, Trevor catches a whiff of a valuable opportunity and proceeds to reign things for everyone but his own crew.
This mission sees him chasing a speeding train on a motorcycle, before ending up on top of said train as the wind waves clash against his carmine t-shirt. He seems to enjoy every second more and more, and the baddies simply don’t stand a chance. Eventually, he makes it to the controls and sets the train on a collision course with the next incoming locomotive, quite spectacularly.
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