Virtual meetings are more common than ever imagined. Whether you’re meeting with colleagues or clients, you want to make sure that you present yourself professionally over Zoom. An office background is just one aspect of a meeting. Here are some tips for looking professional in your virtual office.
Paying Attention to Lighting
Lighting is crucial to your appearance on camera. You want good lighting that accentuates your face. Natural lighting is best, but it should be in front of you. Don’t sit in front of a window, because on screen, you may appear as a silhouette. Side lighting can make half your face look like it’s in shadow. One of the best tips for looking more professional on screen is to practice with different settings with friends and family. When you know what you look like under different circumstances, you’ll be able to put your best face forward.
Having A Branded Background
In most platforms, people on camera have priority being seen on the screen. Using a branded background gives you the edge in virtual meetings. You don’t have to worry about people seeing your real background, which can be a distraction, and you build brand recognition during the meeting. Change your branded background with the season or holiday to have a conversation starter.
Dressing For The Screen
When you’re on camera, you want to be the focus. You don’t have to put on your best clothes for every meeting, but you should be aware of the colors and prints that you’re wearing on screen. Bright colors are better. Watch the use of black and white, because you can appear as a blob when you’re on the camera. Choose colors that complement your virtual office background and won’t blend into the background. Also, prints can be distracting. Solid colors are your friend.
Checking Your Audio
Appearing professional is only part of the meeting. You also want to sound professional. Check the audio settings before a meeting. Use a high-quality microphone/headphones. If you’re in a busy setting, make sure your headphones are noise-reducing. Again, practice with settings to help you sound confident during the meeting. Have a list of talking points, but learn to be discreet when referring to another device or a notebook during the meeting.
Displaying Your Logo
A Zoom virtual office background with your logo is a great branding opportunity for your business. Using a background minimizes distractions and keeps everyone focused on your company instead of your home office and pets. You may want to explore filters and settings to give you more options for a professional appearance, but make sure that you can turn them off if necessary.
Positioning the Camera
Webcams have wide-angle lenses. The closer you sit to the camera, the more facial distortion you may experience. An arm’s length is about right. Learn how to position your camera for your best look. Keep the camera at eye level with your head positioned in the center of the frame. When you are on camera, look at the camera instead of the screen when talking.
Create a custom background easily for your virtual meetings.